1960s renaissance

Sometimes we forget what the 1960s did for us. I for one never realized how my life was so influenced by its fashion and music. My sense of style and ultimate choices in fashion all seem to circle this era. The end of starched shirts & Bobbie socks blasted out a rebellious counter-culture movement defined by a freer generation where questioning everything about life and demanding to be heard. We had to stand out and we did ! It was essentially a revolution of the status quo, it was the most fabulous time ever it was our Renaissance .

Haight St. & Ashbury in San Fransisco brings back California's defining hippest spot in 1969.


Hi there, couldn't agree more. The 60's are my favorite time for clothing, music, culture - everything!! Love the blog, following you know. Maybe follow me too :)

jules said…
This is such a fun place, I love going to the haight!

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